Pledge Your Support!
Don't have a story to tell? No problem!
Part of our mission is to spread the word about military rape, sexual assault, and harassment. You can help by telling your family, friends, neighbors... anyone you think would support our cause.
By pledging your support here, you'll be placed on our wall of Pledged Supporters! Simply enter your name and email to show you care about our fighting men and women.
Part of our mission is to spread the word about military rape, sexual assault, and harassment. You can help by telling your family, friends, neighbors... anyone you think would support our cause.
By pledging your support here, you'll be placed on our wall of Pledged Supporters! Simply enter your name and email to show you care about our fighting men and women.
By filling out the form above, you are not under any obligation or contractual agreement with A Black Rose Campaign Inc. This is simply a way to show your support for our campaign if you aren't a survivor of assault. You do, however, agree to have your first and last name posted publicly on our site as a pledged supporter.