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By using this site, you agree to the following terms:
1. You acknowledge that this site is in no way affiliated with/connected to the United States Armed Forces, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, or any other government agency. In addition, the inclusion of a link, the name of an outside organization, or the description thereof does not imply or announce connection to or alliance with said organization.
2. The opinions shared on this site do not necessarily reflect the opinions or thoughts of any member of the above agencies/parties.
3. The external links posted on this website by the keepers of the site or by users do not expressly imply agreement/shared opinions with the information/material linked to.
4. The webmaster, founder of the site, and any members of A Black Rose make no claim to being accredited/qualified in any way to give legal advice or counseling, nor do they make any assertion that they are qualified to give medical or psychological evaluations or advice. You-the site user-agree that any information, counsel, or advice is only suggestion and is no substitute for the advice of a qualified medical, legal, or psychological adviser.
5.While we strive to provide relevant and helpful advice, we cannot always guarantee the accuracy of such information.
6. As a service of this website, certain media/internet tools may be made available for use that allow the user to post/add information to the site (ex. blog comments, forums, etc.). As a site user, you agree to not post any information considered offensive to another person's race, religion, gender, social or economic status, information that explicitly incites others to commit illegal and/or unsafe acts, or information that encourages violence or drug use. Use of this site means agreeing to remain courteous and respectful at all times.
7. You will not send or otherwise post unauthorized commercial communications (such as spam) on this website.
8. Donations to A Black Rose Campaign Inc. are subject to our donation policy.
For information about privacy, view our Privacy Policy.
1. You acknowledge that this site is in no way affiliated with/connected to the United States Armed Forces, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, or any other government agency. In addition, the inclusion of a link, the name of an outside organization, or the description thereof does not imply or announce connection to or alliance with said organization.
2. The opinions shared on this site do not necessarily reflect the opinions or thoughts of any member of the above agencies/parties.
3. The external links posted on this website by the keepers of the site or by users do not expressly imply agreement/shared opinions with the information/material linked to.
4. The webmaster, founder of the site, and any members of A Black Rose make no claim to being accredited/qualified in any way to give legal advice or counseling, nor do they make any assertion that they are qualified to give medical or psychological evaluations or advice. You-the site user-agree that any information, counsel, or advice is only suggestion and is no substitute for the advice of a qualified medical, legal, or psychological adviser.
5.While we strive to provide relevant and helpful advice, we cannot always guarantee the accuracy of such information.
6. As a service of this website, certain media/internet tools may be made available for use that allow the user to post/add information to the site (ex. blog comments, forums, etc.). As a site user, you agree to not post any information considered offensive to another person's race, religion, gender, social or economic status, information that explicitly incites others to commit illegal and/or unsafe acts, or information that encourages violence or drug use. Use of this site means agreeing to remain courteous and respectful at all times.
7. You will not send or otherwise post unauthorized commercial communications (such as spam) on this website.
8. Donations to A Black Rose Campaign Inc. are subject to our donation policy.
For information about privacy, view our Privacy Policy.